
7. Stories

You have a choice today. Choose one of the tasks below and complete it in Google Docs. Do not forget to paste a link on your blog or Google+ page.
 1) Write a story using this site as a helper - you can choose characters, places, situations and objects for your story there. Write a short story of 15 sentences or more that is based on data from the site.
 2) Watch this video and think of a beginning or continuation of the story developed in the video. Write a short story of 15 sentences or more of what happened before the events in the video or after them.
3) Create a dystopian story about opressive future of a country. Start with a sentence - It was a halcyon Midsummer day when the Robot became the President of the country. (If you desire to choose another beginning, that's fine with me). Write a short story of 15 sentences or more.


Traveling, Pt. 2

Have you heard? Time-travel has been invented recently.
You are one of the first explorers and your task is to create a Traveller's Guide to any time imaginable.
Choose past or future and create a presentation here on your findings.
Your data should include
1) Where to stay?
2) What to wear?
3) What to do there?
... and anything else you want to add.
Once again, your working in pairs or in groups of 3.
After you've finished editing, click save and share your presentation on your blogs/google+ pages.
Next class you'll have to give your presentations a spin and tell us about the time you've chosen.


4. Presentations

Today we are going to speak about presentations. When and why do people need presentations? Do you know how to make an effective presentation? What are the common mistakes and what are the rules of making presentations?

In groups study the links below and write down the most important information to tell to your groupmates:

Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

Now exchange the tips that you have found with the groupmates

At home
Go to this site and sign up for a free account.
It will help you create presentations online - like this one.
After you register, create a new presentation and share it with your classmate or two.
Together, you''ll have to make a plan of a surprise party for your friend.
The following things must be metioned:
- venue
- time
- dress code
- food
- music.
After you've finished editing, click save and share your presentation on your blogs/google+ pages.
Next class, you'll have to tell us a little bit about your party plan, be prepared.