
10. Stuff (!)

Quote - unquote

Task 1
Today we'll work in groups and explore some sites that can be of use for people who study English. First, go ahead for 5 minutes, explore the site by clicking the link below. Find the answer to the queations:
  • What can you find on this site? 
  • Is it comfortable to use? 
  • Can you download audiofiles? 
  • Are there video tasks? 
  • Are there tasks with the keys? 
  • Are there tasks for different level speakers? 
  • What do you find most interesting and useful?

Group 1 go to http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/
Group 2 go to http://learningenglish.voanews.com/
Group 3 go to http://www.bbc.co.uk/skillswise/english

Translate one of the following texts using Google Docs, Multitran and your imagination. Save and share.
Titanic Letter
Tower of Pisa

Task 2

Cards are known as an effective way to remember new words. At present, you can easily find online ways to do that. One way is site Quizlet. 
Go to quizlet.com and make a set of vocabulary cards for the 5 new words you found while reading the news stories at BBC / VOA. Insert your cards set into your blog (the same post), then, go and practice with other peoples' cards.

If you remember the password, of course

At home 
1. Study another useful site: Lingualeo.com. Surf "the Jungle" there, add several words in your dictionary on the site, try different ways to train the words, look at the ready-made sets of words. You can also add a Lingvaleo application to your browser and it will help you to translate the words in any online text and add the unknown words to your dictionary. 

Post your impressions from Lingualeo and ideas how you can use it for your studies.


9. Crime

Create a crime story using Google Docs, or use one of the sites designed to create comics here
OR think about some other cool place on the internet to write an amazing crime story


3. Travelling, Part 1

As you might already know, you will have to make a brochure about some place.
You can do it here.
Step-by-step instructions:
1) Choose a destination;
2) Find pictures that define your choice (try this site to find free-of-charge pictures) or choose the ones you've taken;
3) Think of what you can write about the place (general overview, sights, history, cultural importance, tips for travellers);
4) Organise it in a nice layout;
5) Publish and share;
6) Think of a small speech you'll have to prepare for the next class where you are going to describe the place you've chosen;
7) Practise your speech tirelessly and deliver it to your audience during our next class.

Here is the example of my booklet (you don't have to make your brochure too big - 2 pages is enough).


2. Music and Songs

So, today your task is to create a poster/billboard about the arrival of a singer/songstress/band in Omsk.
You'll do it on this site -
First of create an account and then follow your imagination to create a poster.
For winners - the poster will be about your favourite  singer/songstress/band.
For losers -   the poster will be about your least favourite  singer/songstress/band.
What should be included:
- name (obviously)
- when
- where
- a picture of the singer/songstress/band
- some info about the singer/songstress/band
- whatever else you deem necessary/appropriate.